Category: What About God?

  • Thank You NAMI Walks Donors

    Thank you to my wonderful generous NAMI Walks donors, all of whom I know and love: my friend Jonathan, my friend Kathleen, my sister Tracey and her husband Joseph, my parents, my Uncle Larry, and Dyane Harwood. There is still time to donate to NAMI. As you may recall from my previous post, I am participating…

  • Thank you, Marie

    I am no longer accepting awards, but I will thank Marie Abanga at for nominating me for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Marie is a fellow mental health advocate and author of My Unconventional Loves: My Hurts, My Adulteries, My Redemption.

  • Lovely Blog Award

    Thank you, Rosh of Rose of Sharon Healing | Herbs and Healing for the Nations at, for nominating me for the Lovely Blog Award. Rosh and her husband have made Korea their home for over 10 years. She named her blog after the Rose of Sharon, Korea’s national flower. Her blog is about health and healing, for both people and nations. Her prayer…

  • NAMI Walks 2014

    Sponsor Me for 2014 NAMI Walks Those of you who have been following my blog know that I’ve been participating in the National Alliance on Mental Illness or NAMI Peer-to-Peer psychoeducational classes. NAMI offers these classes free. NAMI conducts free educational programs, meetings and support groups for those of us who live with mental health diagnoses and their families.…

  • Thumper Update

    Thumper’s biopsy came back benign. No cancer! His toe is healing nicely and his stitches come out on Friday. Whew! He’s happy, and so are we.

  • Beautiful Blogger Award

    Thank you so much, Just Plain Ol’ Vic at, for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Just Plain Ol’ Vic started blogging for support regarding his wife’s bipolar disorder. Spouses and families of those of us with mental illness need support, too. In the US resources include NAMI Family-to-Family which is an educational course for family, caregivers and friends of individuals living with…

  • As a Child

    As a child I wanted to be a doctor To cure people of disease As a teen I wanted to be a neurosurgeon To fix brains with a scalpel As a young woman I became a psychotherapist To fix troubled youth with broken lives With the exchange of spoken words I kept falling apart My…

  • Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

    Finding Your Inner Happiness recommended me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Thank you so much, Finding Your Inner Happiness! Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award recognizes women bloggers from all around the world. There is no pressure to accept the award. The rules for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award are as follows: Thank the person who…

  • Thought Wisps

    F*ck what was I thinking? Cannot recall. Had a thought or perhaps even more than one. Something to write for my blog. Now I’m drawing a blank. My mind cannot hold onto thoughts for very long. They slip away. Slip away. Wisps. The thought had to do with removing my MFT license from my description for…

  • Shout Out to MHA

    Forgot to mention and thank Mental Health Association of Orange County (MHAOC) the organization partnering with and hosting NAMI’s Peer-to-Peer course. Value and Philosophy of MHAOC The Mental Health Association of Orange County provides all of its services within the context of a psychosocial rehabilitation philosophy. Our philosophy holds as its primary goal the elimination of…