Insight into My Blog

Readers from 91 countries! Hello, world. How cool is that?

Today Cheri Lucas Rowlands, WordPress editor and author of Writing Through the Fog, wrote Drawing Insight From Your Annual Report. On December 30th, I used information from my report to thank my readers, especially my most active commenters – Dyane Leshin HarwoodEllen Stockdale Wolfe, and Glenn Archibald. Here’s my recap and response to last year’s statistics.

Anyone else taken the time to drill down into their year-end results? Honestly, when I got the report at the end of December, I was in the midst of the holiday season. Now my kid is back in school, and I have more time to write!


12 responses to “Insight into My Blog”

  1. Congratulations Kitt! It’s great to see the annual review like this. I am glad that wordpress makes it easy for us 🙂

  2. I know. It was the last fact on the report, but I decided to lead with it, because I was so thrilled.

  3. Thank you! I was thrilled to see that diverse a community. Wonderful, isn’t it!

  4. Thank you so much!

  5. Thank you. Perhaps it reflects my own growth. Now more hopeful.

  6. This report and your interpretation of it is totally fascinating. You inspired me to take a closer look at my report and to read the blog post too. The fact of reaching 91 countries alone is a truly cool accomplishment!

  7. 91 countries is incredible. The world is lucky to have you writing.

  8. Congratulations 🙂 it’s great to see your stats, and love the way they’re laid out. Lovin your blog … now I just need to make more time to read and comment more … hope 2015 is a GREAT year for you and your blogging x

  9. I’ve noticed a few interesting places that I never thought I’d get readers from too, Which I found to be very cool! it makes me feel like I’m actually reaching out to the world 🙂

  10. I love your new layout. I thought the photo you had before was a little foreboding and kinda triggered my S.A.D. I love flowers and what they symbolize. Great work 🙂

  11. I didn’t, because my blog is so young. Very interesting to see your stats.

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