Easter, Spring Break & Writing 101

Starting tomorrow, I’m taking WordPress Writing 101. I look forward to honing my writing skills.

Hopefully I will have the time and energy to make the most out of this course. If not, I will simply get around to it when I can.

Right now I am enjoying Easter at the beach. Tomorrow is my son’s first day of spring break, and my sister and her family will be joining us for a couple of days. Right now our boys are out enjoying themselves on the sand and in the water.

Obviously, family comes first. Let’s see if I can also squeeze in some writing. I am right now.


14 responses to “Easter, Spring Break & Writing 101”

  1. Thanks for the encouragement, reminder, and gentle and much-needed nagging. I have been hypomanic and should be unplugging from electronics (which obviously I’m not doing right now) and plugging into my surroundings and my need for grounding exercise.

  2. Happy Easter, my sweet, and have a wonderful time with your sister and her family.

    I love the beach shot of the boys!

    Enjoy Writing 101, and while yes, family does come first, don’t forget your blissfully rat-free “E”! 😉 It will help you remain steady during this challenging change in schedule/routine.


  3. We actually had our Spring Break last week, but the kids had fun!

  4. Thank you, Vic! You, too, unless your kids are done with their break.

  5. Enjoy Easter and your Spring Break!

  6. Hate it when I hit send accidentally. Look forward to writing with you in Writing 101.

  7. Oops, I hit return too soon, and my autocorrect went haywire. I meant to say I am taking writing 101 too, and I look forward to “seeing” you there!

  8. Enjoy the beach. I’m targeting writin

  9. Thank you. We are both blessed to live near oceans.

  10. brilliant photo!

  11. What a lovely photo, what gorgeous colours.

  12. Happy Easter to you and your daughter, as well.

  13. Hapee Easter 🙂

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