Author: Kitt O’Malley
The Rebel and His Mother
The Rebel When my son was a preschooler in daycare His class had a field trip to the local In ‘N Out As we walked back to the daycare center My son held my hand We walked in pairs down the sidewalk His daycare teacher said Everyone stay on sidewalk Do not step into the…
Liebster Award
Dyane Harwood, blog author of Birth of a New Brain – Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder at, just can’t stop loving me. She nominated me for yet another award. This time the Liebster Award. The Liebster Award is a peer-appointed award created to recognize and discover new bloggers, welcome them to the blogosphere, build the…
Ten Things of Thankful (TToT)
Last week, The Considerer, author of Considerings | Life in Silver Linings | Deep Thinking, Truth-telling, and Actively Seeking the Good in Life at, invited me to join her and her grateful blog hopping group: Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). I did join their Facebook group, and wrote up a quick and easy list…
Apologizing to Roses
I can’t believe I forgot to nominate Lori Lynne Armstrong for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award for her blog: Not This Song | A storytelling site about dual diagnosis recovery. I’m also reblogging one of her many incredibly well-written and insightful posts. She is a truly gifted writer. Please check out Lori Lynne Armstrong at: Not This Song | A…
Another Award Nomination Today!
Today is a great day. Two, not just one but two, extraordinary bloggers nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. They are: Zephyr Struggles of a Bipolar Woman | Fighting every day, Hoping not to lose the battle Zephyr is a loving mom of a one-year-old son. I know from experience that parenting an active toddler boy…
Very Inspiring Blogger Award
Dyane Harwood, author of Birth of a New Brain | Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder at, nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I am thrilled and very, very honored. Not only is Dyane an incredible mental health advocate on behalf of women who have suffered from postpartum bipolar disorder, but she has been a…
Trigger Warnings – What’s the Point?
Bipolar Curious wrote this very thoughtful blog post regarding trigger warnings. I stand corrected and educated.
Lithium and NSAIDS
Sarah Sullivan’s information article about the effect of NSAIDs on lithium toxicity:
Bring Me Thy Failure
I love this blog post by Lori Lynne Armstrong about acceptance.
No Trigger Alerts Here
I write from my heart and from my mind, not heeding any internal or external censor. That is how I think. That is who I am. Each individual reader must decide for themselves whether they can handle reading potentially disturbing material. The best writing is often disturbing, mining the extremes of human experience. Reading such…