Glamorous Even as a Toddler in My Grandmother O'Malley's Mink Stole
Glamorous Even as a Toddler

My name is Kitt O’Malley, and I am a diva. H.K. Abell aka Helena Hann-Basquiat (a self-proclaimed dilettante) flattered me by describing my nature as bold and brassy (some may think that an insult, not I).


11 responses to “Diva at Heart”

  1. Don’t worry! As I said before, I follow you because I like reading you, not because I expect you to read me 😀

  2. Thanks, Billy. Unfortunately, I’ve been so overwhelmed recently, I’ve stopped reading most posts. Once I get into a groove, I may get back to doing more reading.

  3. If you’re wondering why I am following you (again!) it’s because of that silly new floaty wordpress thingy that made me unfollow you by mistake! Sorry! Love the photo :))

  4. 😀 This makes me smile 🙂

  5. Thank you. Believe it or not, I borrowed the stole for the photo shoot.

  6. Embrace your diva-ness!

  7. Yes you are. Own it! You’re definitely working it with your stole.

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