I, Too, Have Lost My Voice

In a seemingly ironic twist of fate, not only is my mother without words, without speech due to her stroke, but now I have fallen prey to an upper respiratory infection (cold or what have you) and cannot speak – well at least doing so hurts my throat.
So, I lay in bed bored wishing I felt well enough to do Christmas shopping which I have put off. I’m a terrible holiday shopper. I started to shop online. While that works for much stuff, I know that I can find cheaper clothes for my son and other family members at the local Target, Walmart or TJ Maxx. So, I hope that I feel better in the next day or two to do my shopping before Christmas sneaks up on us.
Meanwhile, I feel guilty that my mother is psychiatrically hospitalized. I have not visited, for two reasons. The last time I visited her at stroke rehab she became quite agitated and refused to get out of my car. Even if seeing me didn’t upset her, I am sick and her immune system has been compromised not just by age but by three decades of fighting lymphoma. An upper respiratory infection could literally kill her.
I should nap, but find it difficult to do so. Worry that I won’t be able to fall asleep at night if I nap. But I am sick (and tired), so I should rest.


22 responses to “I, Too, Have Lost My Voice”

  1. Sounds like an excellent idea. We’ve gotta be good to ourselves before we can be good to others. Just snuggle down and enjoy the time out

  2. !! Well done! 🙂

  3. 🙂 Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Just added thyme and sage to my second cup of tea with honey, also took oregano oil. Now I’m all herbed and spiced up.

  5. Get well soon! It is very wise of you to stay four days in bed.

  6. Yes – she avoids me like the plague!

  7. I spent most of yesterday in bed or in front of the TV. Plan to do the same today. Perhaps tomorrow or Tuesday I can get out, shop, and visit my parents.

  8. I’ll try that for my next cup of tea. Now drinking green tea with honey. Just sprayed mouth with homeopathic zinc spray. Took turmeric and cinnamon supplements (both have anti-bacterial & hopefully anti-viral properties).

  9. Thinking of you – I’m hoping you feel much better today; it’s definitely essential you keep away from your Mom while ill, but of course it’s understandable the waves of guilt will hit you. Try to be as kind to yourself as possible, difficult as that may be. Your mother, in her normal state, would understand why you must keep your distance right now. It’s hell, though, for you. :((( I’m so sorry!!!!! Love you and sending lots of hugs….prayers too.

  10. Rest and refresh yourself Kitt. The holiday season is about family and giving, which you are so focused on your family and have given so much of yourself to others. You can spend time on yourself and not feel guilty.
    Take care. Be well. virtual hug

  11. Your mom’s health plus a time of the year that is taxing. Your body is telling you it needs a rest. I know its not easy when your mind is too busy, but try to give yourself permission to rest up, take a break, unplug from life for just one day. You deserve that at least?

  12. Kit, try a fast fix you might have in your kitchen: sage and thyme tea with honey. The sage and thyme will help fight your cold/flu/whatever and the honey will soothe your throat.

  13. Turmeric is a great idea. I have turmeric supplements I can take.

  14. Please do not beat yourself up about your mom or your dad. Some things are beyond our control. You will see her when you can. Woof!

  15. Garlic, honey and citrus like lemons. Add some turmeric and it will help Cheers Jamie.

  16. Hope things get better for both of you. Prayers for you both.

  17. Stress can really compromise the immune system. Take care of yourself.

  18. I’m sorry. I lost my voice at the beginning of my cold/flu/whatever and my wife did too. I hope you feel better soon!

  19. Oh Kitt, I feel so bad for you. But Josh is right. You have to take care of yourself so you can care for others as you do so well.

  20. Get some rest and try to feel better. A crutch does not work if it is broken, so try to let go of some of that guilt.

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