My son has been sick WAY TOO MUCH this year. He is sick again, this time only with a cold virus, but resulting in another school absence. This year seems to be a record year for pollen and viruses. Add to that the stress of beginning high school with a challenging course load and a death in the family, depression and a weakened immune system seems to be the result.
My son also suffers from chronic migraines – another burden no child, teen, or adult should have. I’m having trouble relaxing, for I’m worried, which doesn’t help much. Anyway, Monday we’re visiting a highly recommended pediatric gastroenterologist from Children’s Hospital to address whatever harm his lifetime of gastrointestinal migraines and recurrent bouts of stomach flu have had on his GI tract.
To address my anxiety, I searched healing prayers and found these by Rabbi Naomi Levy at Prayer and Healing: Prayers for Strength, Healing, and Coping With Life’s Challenges. ©
Prayer and faith can help us welcome God’s healing power
It is natural to be frightened when we become ill. We feel vulnerable. We worry; we want to know that everything will turn out all right. We sometimes feel alone even when loved ones are by our side. The illness lies within us, and no one else knows exactly how we feel. Prayer has the power to transform our fear into faith. It reminds us that we are never alone. Everything we are, body and soul, is in the hand of God, whose presence fills the universe and who is as close to us as our own breath. No matter what this unpredictable world sends our way, with God by our side we can find the strength to confront our fears. So pray and welcome God’s healing power.
A blessing for healing (for physical and spiritual healing that can be said with the laying on of hands)
May God heal your body and soul.
May your pain cease,
May your strength increase
May your fears be released,
May blessings, love, and joy surround you.
Amen.A prayer of thanks for healing
I thought you had forgotten me, I felt abandoned and alone. I prayed to You, but You never answered. I searched, but I couldn’t find You. And then, without warning, You spread Your love over me and taught me not to fear. You quieted me, You healed me, You blessed me, You stretch Your comfort over all living things.
Thank You, God, for giving me life and for saving my life. Amen.
via Prayer and Healing: Prayers for Strength, Healing, and Coping With Life’s Challenges. ©
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