Prayer for Healing text on top of stone beach with waves in background

My son has been sick WAY TOO MUCH this year. He is sick again, this time only with a cold virus, but resulting in another school absence. This year seems to be a record year for pollen and viruses. Add to that the stress of beginning high school with a challenging course load and a death in the family, depression and a weakened immune system seems to be the result.

My son also suffers from chronic migraines – another burden no child, teen, or adult should have. I’m having trouble relaxing, for I’m worried, which doesn’t help much. Anyway, Monday we’re visiting a highly recommended pediatric gastroenterologist from Children’s Hospital to address whatever harm his lifetime of gastrointestinal migraines and recurrent bouts of stomach flu have had on his GI tract.

To address my anxiety, I searched healing prayers and found these by Rabbi Naomi Levy at Prayer and Healing: Prayers for Strength, Healing, and Coping With Life’s Challenges©

Prayer and faith can help us welcome God’s healing power

It is natural to be frightened when we become ill. We feel vulnerable. We worry; we want to know that everything will turn out all right. We sometimes feel alone even when loved ones are by our side. The illness lies within us, and no one else knows exactly how we feel. Prayer has the power to transform our fear into faith. It reminds us that we are never alone. Everything we are, body and soul, is in the hand of God, whose presence fills the universe and who is as close to us as our own breath. No matter what this unpredictable world sends our way, with God by our side we can find the strength to confront our fears. So pray and welcome God’s healing power.

A blessing for healing (for physical and spiritual healing that can be said with the laying on of hands)

May God heal your body and soul.
May your pain cease,
May your strength increase
May your fears be released,
May blessings, love, and joy surround you.

A prayer of thanks for healing

I thought you had forgotten me, I felt abandoned and alone. I prayed to You, but You never answered. I searched, but I couldn’t find You. And then, without warning, You spread Your love over me and taught me not to fear. You quieted me, You healed me, You blessed me, You stretch Your comfort over all living things.

Thank You, God, for giving me life and for saving my life. Amen.

via Prayer and Healing: Prayers for Strength, Healing, and Coping With Life’s Challenges©


57 responses to “Prayer for Healing”

  1. […] so many roles. Recently I’ve been exhausted. Too involved in attending to my son’s health and educational needs to have any energy left over to write blog posts. Instead of writing […]

  2. My son has asthma, too, and the public schools make him run, which is hard on him. My son was found ineligible for Special Ed. He has no behavioral or learn disabilities, but he has chronic health problems. We are now going for 504 accommodations for his health problems which lead to absences and poor grades. He gets straight A’s in honors, AP & IB classes when well. C’s & D’s now that he’s missed so many days of classes and has not yet made up the work.

  3. I wish you well on meeting tomorrow. Hopefully, that will prompt school system to take action. I live in Georgia. I used to be a special education teacher up to 2010. If children were denied in our school system, the parents could appeal the decision before the school board or get written verification for disability. I’m not sure about 504 accommodations for health reasons. I dealt more with learning and behavior disabilities in children. I have a nephew who has severe asthma. He was in private school when a little boy. My sister had to move him to public school as they would make him run track. My sister thought it would kill him. I think he did better after that as he did not have to participate in strenous physical activity.

  4. California. Our school district is known for denying Special Ed services. I’ve read our state non-profit Disability Rights handbook and met with advocates from TASK, a local non-profit for special needs kids’ parents.

  5. What state do you live in?

  6. He’s been tested by the school and found not eligible (read the results yesterday). Meeting regarding the results tomorrow. Will either ask for mediation or ask for 504 accommodations.

  7. You can get a specialist to test your son and submit evaluation I believe. Check with your school system rules for special education.

  8. Thank you, Ryan.

  9. Just did some reading about section 504 to understand it. We do not have anything like that in my country. However, I would prefer to say something more helpful than just “my thoughts are with you”. That does not help you at all.

    Maybe go back to your specialist and ask him to refer you to someone that can motivate for your son to be included into section 504. That is where I would start.

  10. They assessed that he does not qualify for special education services, so we will see whether we will need to fight that or ask for what is called Section 504 accommodations.

  11. I am pleased that he is not being bullied. There are so many reasons that a child will be ill, and often they relate to issues at school. Be firm about the need for special services and do not let them make decisions for you.

  12. My son insists he is not being bullied, but is just getting sick. He does not want to change schools. I have to trust that he is telling me the truth until I get evidence to the contrary. We’ll see what we learn at Thursday’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting where I expect to be refused special services, but at least to prepare for the meeting the school has assessed him in several areas.

  13. Sometimes a move is a necessity. I moved my daughter to another school to help her cope with her stress. Turned out that she was being bullied and was not ill at all.

  14. You’re welcomed 🙂

  15. Well, we will see what the pediatric gastroenterologist has to say.

  16. Wow… my dad has Eosinophilic Esophagitis, and his allergies make it even worse. All the symptoms you describe except the headache. It took years to get a proper diagnosis. I hope your boy feels better soon.

  17. Thank you. God bless.

  18. Dear Lord, I ask you to turn this weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort for others.

  19. Thank you, Jim.

  20. Thank you, Van.

  21. Hope a move isn’t what it takes. We moved him too much in elementary school, and he likes his friends here at school.

  22. Oh… Sorry to hear that. Wishing your son a healthy and trouble free life.

  23. Thank you again!

  24. Thank you, Khristine!

  25. Thank you, Maria!

  26. Exactly. Thank you.

  27. He has migraines (gastrointestinal and headache migraines), allergies, asthma, eczema, GERD, and a weak immune system. Basically, his allergies and asthma make him more susceptible to contagious illnesses. We are seeing the GI specialist to see what damage a lifetime of vomiting has had on his GI tract.

  28. You are in my prayers, as well.

  29. He is seeing a pediatric neurologist, as well, for migraines. We’ve been through a gauntlet of specialists.

    I am so sorry you developed LEMS. I looked it up: Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder affecting the presynaptic neuromuscular junction. (For other readers, obviously, you know what it is.)

  30. Praying…

    Yes, this seems to be a bad year for both pollen and viruses.

  31. I understand, and I’m so sorry. Watching and hopeful for you and your son.? Van

  32. kids often lock their emotions deep inside as you’ve seen with your Son, and this makes them ill. My daughter did the same when she was little, and countless doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong with her! Suffice to say, a change of scenery did the trick. It was hectic to have to move etc, but we’ll do anything for our kids, and she recovered when she felt safe and happy. Children can be so complicated can’t they? I wish you so much courage and strength with your Son, and I just know that you’ll come up with an answer. Bless him, I’m so sorry he’s going through this, and for you as his Mum, it’s just too terrible. But it will come right, no matter what. x x

  33. Hope he feels better soon. Keeping him in my prayers.

  34. Hope he feels better soon. Keeping him in my prayers.

  35. God bless and keep you both!

  36. My prayers are with you too also. I hope he gets well soon.

  37. Prayers for both of you. As bad as it is to go through something like this ourselves, it’s the most helpless feeling in the world to watch our child suffer. May he find healing soon!

  38. Poor kiddo! Is there a name for what he has? Or are you still trying to figure it out.

  39. I would also suggest (only a suggestion) taking your son to a neurologist. Five years ago that is what happened to me. My immune system weakened so that I developed LEMS. If he is under stress, definitely. Also, make sure they do the right test – electromagnetic besides blood tests. That is how they finally diagnosed mine. The doctors didn’t do the correct test the first time. I hope this helps and your son has a quick recovery. He and you will remain in my prayers. Anne 🙂

  40. Thank you, Vic!

  41. Thank you, Ellen. I appreciate the prayers. So sorry that you have migraines so often. They are horrible.

  42. When we tried an elimination diet, his migraines were not changed. His triggers are noise, sun, dehydration, stress, and exhaustion. He also has allergies to dust and pollen, which don’t help. He keeps himself hydrated, but cannot control noises at school. PE is hard for him, for he gets sinus headaches and asthma attacks.

  43. Sending warm wishes your way! Take care!

  44. You and your son are in my prayers always and on the Reiki list for Friday AMs around 9 or 9:30 EDT. I do hope this new doctor will be able to assess the situation and help. Again I say how sorry I am he has migraines because he is so young. I have two or three a week and it totally messes up my life. God bless you all! xxoo ellen

  45. I have migraines, too. I have modified my diet and I am using essential oils, and it helps a lot. I used to have several migraines a month, and now I may have none or one. It is an awful way to live.

  46. Thank you. Unfortunately, his migraines are genetic, as are his allergies. At least he’s smart and good looking!

  47. I hope they figure out what is going on with your kiddo. I know how hard it is to feel helpless when they have a chronic health issue going on. Prayers for an answer!

  48. The psalms are beautiful.

  49. Thank you, Indah. My son has suffered from migraines his whole life, since he was a toddler. Hopefully, he will outgrow them.

  50. I love that last prayer, it reminds me of a psalm I have read. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. xo

  51. I am so sorry to hear this Kitt. I hope the pediatric visit will bring positive news to your son health. Best wishes and stay strong!

  52. Thinking of you and your son with love and hopes that Monday’s appointment goes as well as possible. I’m so proud of you for addressing your anxiety and finding beautiful prayers and images to share with us all. let us know how Monday goes – you’ll be in our thoughts… XOXOXO

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