Women’s Equality Day

This Graphic Shows Why We Still Need Women’s Equality Day from TIME, Inc. article by Heather Jones @msjonesnyc and Charlotte Alter @charlottealter.

Why We Still Need Women's Equality Day. 95 years after women got the right to vote, the US government is still only about 20% female. Women's representation in 2015: At the Federal level: Supreme Court 3 out of 9, Congress 104 out of 535, House of Representatives 80 women out of 435 (19%), Senate 20 women out of 100 (20%). at the State level: Governors 6 out of 50 (12%), Mayors of Cities more than 30K people 256 out of 1393 (18%), State Legislatures 1,793 out of over 7,000 seats (24%). Women's Voter Turnout: women have voted more than men in every presidential election since 1980. 71.4 million women voters in 2012 vs. 61.6 million men. Almost 64% of eligible women voted in 2012, compared to almost 60% of eligible men. Political Representation Worldwide: Since 1995, the percentage of women in national legislatures has almost doubled worldwide, but still only 22% of all national elected representatives are female. Saudi Arabia just allowed women to register to vote in August. Vatican City still does not allow women to vote. Sources: Center for American Women and Politics; Clinton Foundation No Ceilings Report; U.S. Census. Infographic by TIME.


5 responses to “Women’s Equality Day”

  1. Apparently, I didn’t fully understand your point. Honestly, I’ve was very politically active as a progressive activist in my 20s, and have a different opinion. I’ve spoken in my state legislature and to my representatives in person. There are many elected officials who care deeply about their constituents and take public service seriously. I disagree that the UK owns the US. The President is not the CEO. We have a political system of checks and balances. Our system is not perfect. Money, corporate money and the extremely wealthy, exerts far too much influence. But, I’m still proud to be an American and believe in our democracy. Other European countries may have even better political systems. I’m not saying we have the best. But, certainly, it is far from the worst.

  2. Actually Kitt, I think you are focusing on less than the whole part of what was written? Or it was written poorly?

    I’m talking about government here, just those elected? Yes, governments have bureaucracies. I’m mainly focusing.on elected government.

    I have little problem with women and careers. I was raised by one.

    Do I have strong views? It may seem like it? But, not really. I would describe them more as? …Clear?

    Funny how you missed the point about secret handshake society?

    I would say that they, the masons, have most of upper society in the organization? To land a good job. Under interests, you put both lodge and number.

    Strange, to me. How all presidents of U.S. Are all related to British royal family and to each other. Maybe some of the connections are a little tenuous? Yet, they’re there. Cheers J.

    Lastly, British Crown still owns U.S.A. It is run as a corporation. The President is the CEO.

  3. Obviously you have strong opinions on the matter. I do think that when women OR men choose to care for children instead of make money that that is a worthwhile endeavor. For me personally, I was unable to work and care for a child with chronic health issues while maintaining my own mental health. But not all women are the same. Many thrive in careers while parenting, just as many men do.

    Even I, as a child, was cared for by Abduh, our Lebanese house man (I have no idea if that is politically correct. Our “house” was only a two-bedroom garden apartment.), while my mother and many other wives worked at ARAMCO when the company needed administrative support and were short-handed.

  4. Maybe? Maybe this is true, like for most governments. Still, it should not be looked at as though government is some sort of independent entity.

    The main people in governments and probably the North American ones are men for a reason. First off we’re a patriarchal society. Rightly or wrongly. Do you think women can operate successfully in that? Besides, when it comes down to it.

    It seems to me more women appear to support a patriarchal society, than those who truly oppose it? Most women support hubbys going out to work and bringing home the financial bacon. Where better than government, than for that?

    Secondly, the people in government are mostly lawyers first; then legislators second. To be a lawyer, one who is successful in government. One needs a family to parade around. A wife who will support that and children to give emphasis to their “family values” and to inherit the family business of government.

    Thirdly, the secret handshake club runs America. … yes they do admit women but the women have to play that secret male game.

    Fourthly, no matter how it’s legislated. Women are the only ones that can bear children – thank God. Yet it still means at least, at the very least, six months out of the workforce for every child. A workforce where who you know is everything. Obviously relationships can and have been maintained during these times. It is still all part of the parcel.

    Now I’m not saying that women cannot be successful in government or any other profession. Just pointing out why the situation exists. How it will continue to exist and why it is unlikely to change.

    Truly given the negative connotations of this male dominated society. I wonder at the women who want to be a part of it? The Hilary’s and Janet’s of this world. Do don’t really do it any good. Seem to bring little to it but a strange woman doing a man’s job. Supporting secret prisons and deaths of embassy employees for whatever reasons? Just for starters. Hilary apparently cuckolded Bill and the two of them. If the rumours are correct? Ran Arkansas for their own ends. Now why would a woman do that?

    Nope, honestly women are better off out of that sort of half life. Yet, my opinion will not change it. One whit!

  5. Wow, that’s crazy.

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