Category: Health

  • My Dad and Dementia

    My dad has dementia – not Alzheimer’s, the most common type of dementia – but dementia nonetheless. His dementia has slowly progressed over many years and is greatly exacerbated by his heavy drinking. I am genetic heir to alcoholism, fear it, and drink minimally because of it. Because I am feeling pain and anxiety over…

  • Holidays and Dementia

    Quoted from the Alzheimer’s Association ( Holidays and Alzheimer’s Families | Caregiver Center | Alzheimer’s Association. 24/7 Alzheimer’s Association Helpline: 800.272.3900 The holidays are a time when family and friends often come together. But for families living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, the holidays can be challenging. Take a deep breath. With some planning and adjusted expectations, your…

  • Giving Tuesday

    Today is Giving Tuesday, so please donate to any of these charities near and dear to my heart: ~ My father has dementia. Alzheimer’s is one form of dementia that Alzheimer’s Association seeks to eliminate. ~ Thank you, American Cancer Society, for research and life-saving programs for cancer patients. Far too many of my…

  • I’m Not Gonna Miss You

    This post by Lynne of hits close to home, as my father, like her mother, has dementia. For more information about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, visit the Alzheimer’s Association at

  • Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment

    Today, November 15, begins open enrollment in the US Health Insurance Marketplace. Health Insurance Marketplace at & 1-800-318-2596 Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator (from the Kaiser Family Foundation) National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative to find out more about your state’s programs Important Dates Nov. 15, 2014 — Open enrollment begins Dec. 15, 2014 — Enroll before this date to have coverage Jan. 1, 2015 Feb.…

  • IBPF Consumer Track Meeting

    Yesterday I attended the IBPF (International Bipolar Foundation) Annual West Coast Meeting – Consumer Track. The one-day consumer track meeting covered quite a bit which I outline here, providing links to more information. David J. Miklowitz, PhD Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UCLA Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine at…

  • Bald and Bloated

    F*ck, I’m losing my hair! For a while now my son has been complaining that I’m losing my hair, that he’s finding my hair all over the place, including in his lunch which I make (disgusting!). Is it menopause? Is it stress? Is it medication side effects? Is it due to nutritional deficiencies? I actually think…

  • Fight Cancer

    Time to give a shout out to both the American Cancer Society at and the Lymphoma Research Foundation at Like many families, our family has been touched by cancer. Dearly loved ones have fought and are fighting cancer. We support both the American Cancer Society and the Lymphoma Research Foundation. Please consider supporting the work they do,…

  • Denial Fails Me Now, or F*ck Cancer!!!

    In group yesterday afternoon, my psychiatrist recommended genetic testing for hereditary cancer syndromes (of which there are 50). He advocated doing so to guide future medical care, rather than living in denial or in fear. I am not at risk, but my son and husband may be. They are private, as is my large extended family. My husband is one of…

  • Dragging My Knuckles

    Yesterday saw my nephew off at the airport. Now I’m dragging my knuckles on the ground. Head aches. Fatigued. Basically, I’m drained. Have group later this afternoon. Psychiatrist’s psychotherapy group members decided to take July off. Not sure how many will actually show up this afternoon. So now I have group therapy on Tuesday afternoon and…