Category: Writing

  • Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Helen Keller

    . Thank you Colleen Chesebro at for organizing Writer’s Quote Wednesday 2015.

  • Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Kurt Vonnegut

    I find laughter to be an excellent coping mechanism, lifting burdens from the heart, making light from darkness. Thank you Colleen Chesebro at for organizing Writer’s Quote Wednesday 2015. This week Colleen quotes Dame Maggie Smith, in character as the Dowager Countess of Grantham: “A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears,” said…

  • Survey

    [polldaddy type=”iframe” survey=”802A11E9DFEF1F0B” height=”auto” domain=”kittomalley” id=”how-can-improve-this-site”]

  • So Easily Broken

    Yesterday this “story” of mine was published on at FICTION SERIES: So Easily Broken, Kitt O’Malley | Stigmama. Clearly, it is fictionalized autobiography. I simply wrote what surrounded me in third person. FICTION SERIES: So Easily Broken, Kitt O’Malley | Stigmama All around her books, binders, and training manuals piled. She had an article to…

  • Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Allie Burke

    Allie Burke is the author of Paper Souls, The Enchanters Series, and her autobiography The Sandman, Vice President of Stigma Fighters, and survivor of paranoid schizophrenia. I consider her a good friend and fellow mental health advocate and Stigma Fighter. Thank you Colleen Chesebro at for organizing Writer’s Quote Wednesday 2015. Today she quotes an ee cummings‘ love poem in honor of…

  • Blogging 201 Assignments

    Copying and pasting the course outline and class hyperlinks helps me get a better handle on the material (or maybe I’m just avoiding doing the work). Today’s assignment was to analyze our blog’s statistics to create a thirty-day editorial calendar. I’ve poked around my statistics, but haven’t gained significant insights or come up with an editorial plan…

  • Blogging 201: My Three Goals

    Our first assignment in Blogging 201 is to write three concrete goals. Here are mine: Write at least once a week Gain new readers each week Maintain mutually supportive online relationships with my readers Q: Why do you blog? A: Get thoughts out of my head and onto the page. Educate. Advocate. Fight ignorance, stereotypes, and stigma.…

  • Insight into My Blog

    Today Cheri Lucas Rowlands, WordPress editor and author of Writing Through the Fog, wrote Drawing Insight From Your Annual Report. On December 30th, I used information from my report to thank my readers, especially my most active commenters – Dyane Leshin Harwood, Ellen Stockdale Wolfe, and Glenn Archibald. Here’s my recap and response to last year’s statistics. 11,000 people viewed this blog last year. Awesome! Readers…

  • This Flu Really Sucks

    My husband, son and I are sick with a flu that has lingered, waxing and waning since before Christmas. Now it has hit my son and me particularly hard. My husband has been dragging himself to work in spite of continued symptoms. To top it off, my laptop is sick with malware, so it has…