Search results for: “hypomania”
Recovering from Hypomania
Recovering from hypomania and fatigue. Need to relax, slow down, and heal.
Hypomania aka Fried Brain
Those who know me well would hardly be surprised to hear (or read) that my mind is fried. Focused? Who me, focused? Nope. Instead, one project or comment gets me going in one direction, another in another direction. I end up juggling multiple projects, with my mind racing and jumping all over the place. So…
Hypomania, Praise, and Self-Talk
Photo thanks to Gustavo Espíndola The praise came. Kitt loved to please. The more praise she received, the better she felt. The more she achieved, the higher she soared, until she couldn’t. Her body couldn’t keep up. She broke down, couldn’t get out of bed, and beat herself up for falling, for failing. Talking to…
Spring Brings Hypomania
This year, as winter has ended and spring has begun, I’ve taken it slowly and protected myself from overstimulation. You have not heard from me as much, as I’ve not been as active writing here or on social media. You see, springtime triggers hypomania in me. Now I’m experiencing mild hypomania, irritability, and some mixed…
Flurries of Hypomania
Or, is it just that I had iced tea yesterday with my lunch? Since I’ve been mildly hypomanic, I enrolled in my psychiatrist’s therapy group to take a look at what happens to me when I am in a social situation. For me, social stimulation, like the sun, can trigger hypomania, anxiety, and mood cycling.…
Grief, Anxiety, and Hypomania
So what brought on this flurry of activity, this bout of defensive hypomania, the birth of this blog at this point in time? Two things: one, I forgot to take valproic acid Thursday night, and, two, my grief in facing my father-in-law’s health crisis. Writing is one way I can deal with my grief, the…
May is Mental Health Month and I’m Hypomanic
You may wonder: “How’s Kitt?” Well, a bit high on hypomania, but sleeping well with the help of meds, and titrating off my SSRI (at least during these longer-day seasons which trigger my hypomanic symptoms). What have I been doing with my hypomanic energy and dog-with-a-bone focus? I’ve been active on social media, updating NAMI…